第1四半期 「クォータリーレポート」 Q1「Quarterly Report」

平成28年2月期 第1四半期 「クォータリーレポート」
中期経営計画で掲げた事業戦略を着実に実行し進捗させることで継続的な成長が実現できることを確信しています。その一つである「主要都市部の深耕」の具現化として、ショッピングセンター事業のパルコでは、福岡パルコ本館増床部、名古屋パルコmidiを3月に開業して既存部分との相乗効果を生み、専門店事業のヌーヴ・エイでも新店10店舗を含む15店舗が新たに加わりました。「コアターゲット拡大」の具体化の例としては、インバウンド需要をうまく取り込んでいるパルコ店舗が海外客売上高を伸ばしました。「独自の先行的ICT活用」では、前年度に開始したWeb上からショップ店頭商品の購買が可能なサービス「カエルパルコ」や、それに連動した、顧客に新たなショッピングの楽しさや便利さを提供する公式スマートフォンアプリ「Pocket PARCO」も順調に浸透し始めています。
牧山 浩三
Quarterly Report(Consolidated Results FY2015 Q1)
【Performance Overview】
Sales and profit grew for the fourth consecutive quarter as a result of the expansion of urban group business
locations and other factors.
•In the Shopping Complex Business, the Fukuoka PARCO Main Building Extension and Nagoya PARCO midi opened
in March. In addition to synergies between Fukuoka PARCO and Nagoya PARCO new stores and existing stores,
urban store group sales were driven by Shibuya PARCO and Sapporo PARCO, where tenants have been
successfully capturing inbound demand, and other urban stores.
• New store openings from NEUVE A CO., LTD. in the Retail Business, increased construction orders for Space
Engineering and Management Business PARCO SPACE SYSTEMS CO., LTD., and strong performance by PARCO
Entertainment Business all contributed to earnings.
• Operating income increased 11.7% and net income rose 19.3% compared to the same period of the previous
fiscal year. Full-year forecasts for the fiscal year ending February 29, 2016 remain unchanged.
【Comments from the President】
The major achievement of the first quarter performance was the strong start to fiscal 2015, the second year of our
Medium-term Business Plan. This was our fourth consecutive quarter of sales and profit growth.
The year-on-year impact of the reaction to rush demand ahead of last year’s consumption tax increase was
extremely limited. Although PARCO store sales were affected in March, strong performances in April and May led to
a 2.2% increase in sales in the Shopping Complex Business. In Related Businesses, aggressive store openings by
NEUVE A CO., LTD., increased orders at PARCO SPACE SYTEMS CO., LTD., and strong performance by PARCO
Entertainment Business theatres all led to favorable earnings.
The progress we have made through consistent implementation of the business strategies set out in our
Medium-term Business Plan gives us confidence that achieving sustained growth is possible. Our strategy of
cultivating major urban areas was realized in the Shopping Complex Business through the opening of the Fukuoka
PARCO Main Building Extension and Nagoya PARCO midi in March, which brought synergies with existing stores, and
in the Retail Business through the addition of 15 new NEUVE A CO., LTD. stores, including 10 in new locations. An
example of the realization of our strategy to expand core targets was the growth in sales to customers visiting Japan
at PARCO stores that are successfully capturing inbound demand.
In line with our strategy for the innovative use of information and communication technology (ICT)
specifically tailored to our needs, Kaeru PARCO, our web-shopping service and Pocket PARCO, the accompanying
official Smartphone app that provides customers with a fun and convenient new shopping experience, both of
which were introduced last year, achieved steady uptake this year.
As described above, our medium-term management plan, launched in 2014, is moving steadily ahead and
already bearing fruit. With PARCO’s strengthened trend communication and store selection and coordination
capabilities we are moving forward with steady growth.
As the company’s leader, my mission is to create new value. I will continue to enhance the “PARCO Way” and
build up attractive stores that put smiles on the faces of customers from all over the world. Please stay tuned to
PARCO’s progress.
Kozo Makiyama
President and Representative Executive Officer
(The full text can be read in the attached PDF or the PARCO website.)