Shintokorozawa PARCO held “ShakeOut”

Shintokorozawa PARCO received the official certification of the Japan Shakeout Advocacy Congress, and held “ShakeOut” for the first time as a general corporation in Saitama Prefecture on November 18.
"ShakeOut" is an earthquake disaster drill that began in the United States in 2008. Training is to set the date and time in the community, prior registration and preliminary learning, and at the same time in each place, safe behavior to protect themselves from earthquake shaking 1-2-3 "Drop, Cover and Hold On".
At Shintokorozawa PARCO, after store opening on November 18 , we distributed leaflets to customers who visited us, explained about training and asked for their cooperation. When an training sound flowed at 10:20 on the broadcast, the shop staff called out such as "Please lower posture", "Please protect your head" and so on, and customers participated in "ShakeOut”.