Kumamoto Parco held an exhibition of model replica of Aso Shrine towergate as restoration support project

To support our coexistence with the local community and speed the process of recovery from the Kumamoto Earthquake of April 2016, Kumamoto PARCO has been conducting a restoration support project for Higo Ichinomiya Aso Shrine, which was severely damaged by the earthquake.
As a first round of support for Aso Shrine, we held a special exhibition of “Aso Shrine Tower Gate Model Replica” at Kumamoto PARCO. This gate is a symbol of Aso Shrine, and is a designated national treasure and one of Japan’s three famous tower gates.
In addition to displaying a photo panel of the Aso Shrine and a movie showing the restoration work, a popular artist from Kumamoto, Kenshi Matsunaga, also drew a work on the theme of the Aso Shrine.
We will continue to support Aso Shrine going forward.